That Time I Went to a Psychic TV Show Taping
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You might be able to tell that this post is about seeing a taping of a TV show featuring a psychic. If you find the idea of psychics to be interesting you might enjoy this post. If you think it’s all a load of phoney baloney then check out this post about a great local museum in New Orleans instead.
Why I Went to a Psychic Show TV Taping?
A little while back my friend and I heard that local psychic, Laura LaForce, was taping a TV series for a cable channel. They were looking for people to be in the studio audience, and it was free to go. I’d never heard of this psychic before, but my friend had. As far as my beliefs with psychics go, I believe some people could have psychic abilities, but I don’t think everyone who claims to be a psychic will be one (at least to the extent they say). I also don’t believe psychics are 100% accurate. I like to have a balance between being open-minded and skeptical. My thought was this experience would be informative and enlightening at best. At the worst, it would be a half-hour of free entertainment.
It’s funny that my first experience being in a live studio audience took place at home in Edmonton. When we got there, we had to sign a release form and then went to a studio. It was a big room partitioned off with some black curtains. At the front (at the stage) was a small table with candles on it, then there were three white bar stools in front of that table, and a tall glass table that stood off to the side. There were probably about 25 people in the audience.
The Taping
There were four segments for the taping. During the first segment, Laura came out and invited three single people from the audience to come on stage. Now I did not come to this show to be on stage; it never entered my mind. I’m single, but asexual so I had no interest in going on stage for that segment. If I wasn’t interested, there was no point in volunteering to go up, especially if someone else wanted to go up instead.
You might wonder if the readings were accurate. Truthfully I have no idea because I didn’t know any of the people on stage, but I wasn’t there to disprove or prove psychics or psychic abilities. I was there for the experience. One lady seemed to agree with the assessment of her love life. Another lady (when Laura told her she’d be getting married) seemed pretty surprised.
In the next segment Laura had a guest, a palliative care nurse. The guest told a few stories; it was quite interesting to hear about her experience caring for people during their last stages of life. Listening to her talk also made me think about what a hard job palliative care nurses have; it’s not something I could do.
In the Spotlight
Remember when I said I did not come to the show to be on stage? Well, in the third segment Laura invited six people from the audience to be on camera and ask her a question. I wasn’t going to go up, but at first, there was only one person who put up her hand, so I decided to go for it. When else would I get to ask a psychic a question, without having to pay for a reading?
Did I ask if I was going to become rich? Did I ask if I would be travelling the world? Did I ask about the purpose of my life? Or did I ask if I’d experience career success in my chosen profession? Nope. I was going to ask about my career, but the lady in front of me asked about her career, so at the last minute I changed my mind and asked a different question.

Instead, I asked a question my friend put in my head – I wondered about my spirit guides. The concept of spirit guides/guardian angels has always resonated with me. Laura said that I have a male and female spirit guide. I did not get any names. I suppose if I wanted to learn more I could book a session, but I didn’t.
My Thoughts
Now I’ll play skeptic’s advocate and say that the information about my spirit guides could have been made up. I have no way of disproving or proving that statement, but what she said next hit home. She said that I am intuitive but that I tend to doubt myself. I’ll want to do one thing, then I’ll change my mind and do something else, and then I’ll have to go back and fix my mistakes. That’s pretty much me in a nutshell. That’s pretty much what I did right before I went up. I had a question, but then I changed my mind at the last minute and asked something else. As I was asking my question, I thought “I should have asked my original question and not this one.”
Am I the only person out there with self-doubt? No, of course not, but the indecision of making up my mind on anything is reasonably consistent. I always doubt whatever choice I have made or haven’t made. I overthink everything. My mind is continually going back and forth, making pro and con lists for everything I do and don’t do, and want to do. And no, I didn’t go up and say “well I wanted to ask you about my career, but instead I’m going to ask you about my spirit guides.” The question (a suggestion from my friend earlier) just kind of popped out.
Perhaps this brief personality assessment was a lucky guess, but then again Laura could have made other statements about my personality. She could have guessed I was a social butterfly who loves partying, or that I enjoy relationships with lots of excitement and drama. She could have said that I know what I want, and go after it without backing down. Any of those points would have been false, at least for me.
She could have also deduced my personality from my behaviour. I may have looked a little nervous asking my question, but then again I was on camera. It’s not much of a stretch to say many people might be a bit camera shy. In the end, the actual answer to my initial spirit guide question was interesting. While I want to believe it’s true, part of me is still slightly skeptical (until I can get proof for myself). That brief personality assessment for me, however, was accurate. Even my friend, who I’ve known since I was five, agreed.
The End Segment
The final segment involved Laura inviting audience members to come up to the front where she would communicate with their loved ones who had passed away. I was a bit worried I’d start crying in the audience at this part. Usually, if someone starts talking about a loved one who’s passed on (whether or not it involves psychic communication), I’ll start to tear up, but I didn’t. After the final segment, Laura thanked everyone in the audience and those watching at home. She mentioned something about receiving communications from the spirit world through in our day-to-day lives, through dreams, and through music.
The last point struck a chord (pun not intended, but it works) with me because I’m quite musically inclined. As much as I love writing I always feel that I get music better than anything else. I consider my writing to be my logical, left brain side, and my music as my emotional right brain side. There are times when I’ll get a song stuck in my head out of nowhere (like I haven’t heard it on the radio or TV and it’ll be an old song I haven’t thought about for a while) and it’ll be in my head. Often times it’s just a line or two of the song that keeps repeating in my brain.
After that, the audience was brought out of the studio. The show itself was a half hour, but the experience was close to an hour in total. I can’t say my previous statement about psychics have changed, but I did find the experience to be intriguing and entertaining.
Things To Know
This show taping took place at the Shaw Communications building in west Edmonton for Shaw TV. I don’t know if this show is still airing or available online. As the show taping was free to attend, I thought it was a fun experience to have. I can’t speak for or endorse any paid service that this or any psychic offers.
Have you gone to a psychic before?
I went to a psychic a looooong time ago, in college. It was during those tumultuous days when finding love was a big deal and such. I asked about my future mate, and she described a man with fair skin, reddish-brown hair, and blue eyes. I was completely crushing on a guy from my dorms back then, who had reddish brown hair but that was about it. I thought, “Maybe, just maybe she means him.” But nope… three years later, I met a man on Halloween dressed as a doctor (I was dressed up as a nurse), and thirteen years later, we are married with a beautiful. Three guesses as to what he looks like, and the first two don’t count! That’s right, blue eyes, fair skin, reddish-brown hair. Kinda crazy, especially since I’m more of a skeptic than anything!
Married with a beautiful BABY… I should proof-read my comments before I hit submit!
Marti, what a crazy psychic story, but I’ll admit I’m more curious about you meeting your husband at a Halloween party. Doctor and nurse – that just sounds like fate 🙂
Totally got what you were going for 🙂
It sounds like that would be an interesting experience regardless of whether you’re a believer or a skeptic. I tend to be a skeptic about most supernatural things, but I haven’t totally ruled out psychic abilities. This is mainly because earlier in my life I experienced those abilities first-hand on a very small scale. I’m still a very intuitive person and I suspect that there may be legit scientific underpinnings to intuition that we don’t understand yet. Yet I still think most people who advertise themselves as psychics are frauds.
Kudos for being brave and getting up on stage!
As much as I can say I totally believe in psychics (not all of course) I can completely understand the skeptics point of view too. Intuition is pretty hard to explain on a scientific scale, but I think you’re right in that one day we’ll be able to have a better scientific understanding of exactly what intuition is and how/why it works. Thanks for the comment Steph.
I’ve always wanted to go to a psychic, not sure I 100% believe in them though, but it would be interesting.
My experience was great, because it was a free tv show taping I just went in with an open mind and could have fun. Thanks for the comment Ally.
This sounds like it would be a really unique experience whether you believe or not. Interesting post – thanks for sharing it!
Yes it was very unique; I think going in with an open mind to enjoy the experience no matter what definitely helped. Thanks for the comment.